Reviews and Testimonials:

Review from a Parent Whose Teenager Joined the Program for Public Speaking:

“I approached Cynthia wanting to know if she could coach my 12 year old in public speaking as well as help develop my daughter’s stage presence. The first time I saw Cynthia speak, she was serving as the Master of Ceremonies at Carnegie Hall and I knew that her warm and genuine soul was exactly who I wanted to work with my child. While my daughter was not new to the stage and had experience as a pageant girl, she didn’t have many opportunities to speak other than pageant interviews.

However, I noticed that my once outgoing child had become very introverted. At a time when she discovered she had a talent for singing, she was now reluctant to perform in front of anyone. I knew it would take a special person with lots of patience and personal experience of being in a front of an audience that would be able to develop my daughters stage presence but more importantly serve as a mentor for her.

I know that my daughter trusts Cynthia and that is the most important issue working with an adolescent. Most importantly, Cynthia has encouraged my daughter and given her a community of other artists that will uplift, support, and challenge her to grow as a performer and perfect her talents.

As a mother, I can say that the opportunity to participate in these activities as well as prayer allows my daughter an outlet to practice being spontaneous and the comfort and openness where she is not just confident in who she is but is CELEBRATED.

If you are looking for someone who can mentor you or your child or you’re an artist yourself and are looking for a community of artists that will embrace you, reach out to Cynthia and I guarantee that you will not regret it.”

Review from an Aspiring Public Speaker Who Joined the Program:

“I recently crossed the six-month threshold working with Cynthia, and I’ve gained so much clarity in my public speaking journey.  After each session, I feel re-aligned and focused on how to continue growing into a speaker. In the past, I’ve struggled with being vulnerable with others while sharing my story, and Cynthia has a way of gracefully and strategically pulling me up out of that place while coaching me into greatness! I’m excited about what’s next!”

Review from an Entrepreneur in Fashion Design Who Joined the Program:

“During my time working with Cynthia, I felt that she really took the time to get to know me on a fundamental level. She made space and time to learn my future goals, my past challenges, and my personality type to create a personal plan with great mixed media suggestions to get me where I wanted to be. I felt truly seen and understood by her thoughtful questions and geniality. She is a wonderful listener, friendly as can be, and takes her job very seriously. She is the type of person to help ANYONE, client or not, to become their best selves.”

Review from a High School Student Who Joined the Program:

“A few years ago, I lacked confidence and struggled with shyness. I would often avoid speaking in public and would get very nervous when I had to give a presentation in front of my classmates. My parents were worried about my lack of self-esteem and decided to enroll me in a coaching program called “The personal empowerment coaching program” but to me, it was “Ms. Cynthia’s Confidence Class”. Ms. Cynthia was a kind and patient teacher who specialized in helping teenagers like me to become more confident and outgoing. She taught me various techniques and strategies to help me overcome my shyness and build self-esteem. I was hesitant at first, but as I started to attend the sessions, I began to see a change in myself. Ms. Cynthia helped me understand that everyone has moments of insecurity and that it’s natural to be nervous when speaking in public. She taught me that the key is to focus on the message, and not on yourself. I learned that I should be passionate about what I have to say and that it’s more important to connect with the audience. She also taught me deep breathing and visualization techniques to help me calm down before speaking in public. I started to apply what I learned in her coaching program to my daily life, and slowly began to gain confidence in myself. I started to participate more in clubs and wasn’t as nervous when giving a presentation in front of the whole class. As I continued to attend Ms. Cynthia’s program, I became more and more confident in myself. I started to enjoy speaking in public and talked to my classmates more and made new friends. Thanks to Ms. Cynthia’s coaching program, I went from being shy and insecure to a confident and outgoing public speaker. I learned that with practice, patience, and the right mindset, anyone can overcome their fears and achieve their goals.”

Review from Multiple Students Who Joined Master Classes Led by Cynthia Giles:

“Absolutely amazing class this evening! Insightful, full of wisdom and transparency. Whether you are new to sharing your poetry, writing and spoken word or are looking for motivation, her class is a must.”

“Really helpful. You hit everything on the nail at all angles. It was practical, down to earth, and transparent.”

“I enjoyed the class given by Cynthia Giles! It made me even more excited to get started. She also gave lots of good nuggets on speaking! Whew! If you did not attend, it’s a must you do for her next class!”

Review from Dawson McAllister- Radio Personality, Youth Speaker, and Author

“I appreciate the work of Cynthia Giles and her passion to serve others! She partnered with me and The Hopeline and wrote an awesome guest blog for us and she’s been an active part of our Tribe, a core group of people determined to make a difference in the world and help the people around them.